This page has become fairly long—one of the joys of my life has been the chance to work with many really wonderful students—so if you're looking for a particular person, it's probably easiest to use the search function in your browser to locate their name.
Students are listed in three blocks, each organized alphabetically:
(listed alphabetically)
Scott Burkhardt
UW-Madison History Department
Address: Dept. of History, 3211 Humanities Bldg, 455 N. Park St., Madison, WI 53706
Fields of Interest: environmental history; religious history; political history; and intellectual and cultural history
Current Project: My dissertation, tentatively titled “Am I My Planet’s Keeper? American Environmentalism and Religious Culture since the 1960s,” will narrate selected episodes when Americans’ environmental concerns have intersected with their religious commitments. Without pretending to be comprehensive, it will seek to understand some of the ways in which environmental and religious values have both clashed and corresponded with one another.
Daniel Grant
UW-Madison Geography Department
Address: Department of Geography, 550 N. Park Street, Madison, WI 53706
Fields of Interest: environmental and social history; water and the American West; U.S.-Mexico borderlands; cultural geography; 19th and 20th centuries; novel ecosystems
Current Projects: My dissertation, a social and environmental history of American reclamation in the California borderlands from 1878-1944, explores how the seemingly democratic project of watering the desert was also a project of social engineering that met resistance along lines of race, class, and nation.
Caroline Griffith
UW-Madison Geography Department
Address: Department of Geography, 550 North Park St. Madison, WI 53706
Fields of Interest: landscape studies, environmental history, rural development studies, critical cartography, public humanities
Current projects: My current research looks at property law and inheritance practices in the rural Upper Midwest and Northern Great Plains.
Brian Hamilton
UW-Madison History Department
Address: Dept. of History, 4055 Humanities Bldg, 455 N. Park St., Madison, WI 53706
Phone: (917) 886-4663
Fields of Interest: environmental and agricultural history; the Civil War and Reconstruction; the history of capitalism; digital history and the public humanities
Current projects: "Cotton's Keepers: Black Agricultural Expertise in Slavery and Freedom" — a dissertation exploring how African Americans enslaved in the Lower Mississippi Valley acquired the agricultural knowledge on which plantation production depended and then tapped this knowledge to navigate the economic and environmental turmoil of the post-Civil War era.
(listed alphabetically; date of dissertation provided in each entry)
Thomas G. Andrews
Associate Professor of History, University of Colorado at Boulder
Address (home): 2350 Marion St., Denver CO 80205
Fields of interest: environmental history; history of the American West; animal history; intersections of labor history and environmental history; narrative in history; scholarship of teaching and learning in history; Native American history
Dissertation: “The Road to Ludlow: Work, Environment, and Industrialization in Southern Colorado, 1870-1914,” University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2003 (published as Kllling for Coal: America's Deadliest Labor War, Harvard University Press, 2008; winner of the Bancroft Prize for 2009 and the George Perkins Marsh Prize of the American Society for Environmental History for 2009, among other awards).
Current Projects: Coyote Valley: Nature and History in the Colorado Rockies (to be published by Harvard University Press in 2016); An Animals' History of the United States (under contract with Harvard University Press)
William Cameron Barnett
North Central College History Department
Dissertation: "From Gateway to Getaway: Labor, Leisure, and Environment in American Maritime Cities," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2005.
David Bernstein
Denison University, History and Environmental Studies Departments
Address: 302 S. Cassady Ave. Columbus, OH 43209
Phone: (614) 599-0826
Fields of Interest: U.S. West, American Indian History, environmental history, mapping and cartography, photography
Dissertation: "How the West was Drawn: Maps, Indians, and the Construction of the Trans-Mississippi West," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2011.
Current Projects: How the West was Drawn: Maps, Indians, and the Construction of the Trans-Mississippi West (under contract with University of Nebraska Press, Early American Places Series). In addition to turning the dissertation into a book, I am traveling around Ohio, retracing a guide book published in 1940 as part of the Federal Writers' Project (
Dawn Biehler
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Department of Geography and Environmental Systems, Assistant Professor; Department of Gender and Women’s Studies, Affiliate Faculty
Address (office): 211 Sondheim Hall, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD USA 21250
Phone (office): (410) 455-2002
Fields of interest: Historical geography of environmental health in US cities; environmental justice; urban and feminist political ecology; housing; human-animal interactions; urban open spaces
Dissertation: "In the Crevices of the City: Public Health, Urban Housing, and the Creatures We Call Pests, 1900-2000," University of Wisconsin-Madison Geography Department, 2007 (published as Pests in the City: Flies, Bedbugs, Roaches, and Rats, University of Washington Press, 2013).
Current projects: 1) I am part of a multi-institution project studying urban pests, vacant lots, abandoned buildings, and trash as environmental justice problems in Baltimore, MD, funded by the National Science Foundation; 2) I am working on a book manuscript about the history of human-animal interactions in New York City’s Central Park; 3) I am in the early stages of a side (or possibly bigger) project about historical ecologies and imaginaries of wild rabbits in the eastern and southeastern United States, and the ways race, gender, class, and place shaped human relationships with these animals.
Rachel Boothby
UW Madison Geography Department
Address: Department of Geography, 550 North Park St. Madison, WI 53706
Fields of Interest: food studies, sustainable agriculture, environmental history, political ecology.
Dissertation: "Bringing Pigs Home: Everything But the Squeal in Modern America," University of Wisconsin-Madison Geography Department, 2019.
Flannery Burke
Saint Louis University, Associate Professor
Address: 3800 Lindell Boulevard, Saint Louis, MO 63108
Phone: (314) 977-2904
Fields of Interest: American West, American Southwest, borderlands, environmental history, cultural history, gender, visual culture, scholarship of history teaching and learning
Dissertation: "Finding What They Came For: The Mabel Dodge Luhan Circle and the Making of a Modern Place, 1912-1930," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2002 (published as From Greenwich Village to Taos: Primitivism and Place at Mabel Dodge Luhan's, University Press of Kansas, 2008).
Current Projects and Interests: 1) a book-length cultural history of the twentieth-century American Southwest; 2) a study of how westerners have viewed the American East, tentatively titled "Back East;" 3) an article addressing the counterculture and the natural childbirth movement of the 1970s; 4) a series of articles on my work in the scholarship of history teaching and learning.
Andrew Case
Washington College Global Perspectives Program
Address: 23970 Langford Road, Chestertown, MD 21620
Fields of Interest: environmental history, environmental humanities, print culture, history of business and consumer culture
Dissertation: "Looking for Organic America: J.I. Rodale, The Rodale Press, and the Popular Culture of Environmentalism in the Postwar United States," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2012.
Current Projects: Book manuscript based on my dissertation, The Organic Profit: J.I. Rodale, The Rodale Press, and the Origins of Green Consumer Culture (under contract with The University of Washington Press); chapter for edited volume on 50 Simple Things That You Can Do to Save the Earth; journal article on the role of direct mail in the history of environmentalism
Joseph F. Cullon
Dartmouth College History Department
Address: 6107 Carson Hall, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: (603) 646-1938 (office)
Fields of Interest: Early American environmental, economic, and maritime history.
Dissertation: "Colonial Shipwrights and Their World: Men, Women, and Markets in Early New England," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2003.
Current Projects: Shipbuilding Unviel'd: Maritime Artisans and Economic Culture in Colonial New England. This book-length manuscript poses then resolves the problem of how an English settler population with little maritime experience became the most important colonial center of maritime manufacturing in just more than sixty years. In addition, Joe is at work on the material and symbolic uses of accounting in revolutionary American as well as on the public market riots in eighteenth-century Boston.
Christine B. Damrow
Viterbo University History Department
Address: History Department, Viterbo University, 900 Viterbo Drive, La Crosse, WI 54601
Fields of Interest: environmental history; food systems; social and cultural history; 20th century U.S.; history of education; environmental education; women’s history
Dissertation: "'Every Child in a Garden': Radishes, Avocado Pits, and the Education of American Children in the Twentieth Century," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2005.
Andy Davey
Madison Community Foundation
Fields of Interest: environmental, intellectual, and cultural history; environmental and place-based education; religion and nature; food systems; political theory
Dissertation: "Morality, God, and Nature on Campus: Environmental and Moral Education at American Liberal Arts Colleges," University of Wisconsin-Madison Geography Department, 2019.
Mark Davis
(Deceased, 1/6/2009)
Century College History Department
Address: History Department, Century College, 3300 Century Ave. N, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, 55110
Fields of Interest: Most of my audience is students who I try to convince that History is the best story around. I also do research into the environmental history of Minnesota (which is a far more interesting place than Wisconsin!).
Dissertation: "An Empire in Waiting: Northern Wisconsin's Lake Country, 1880-1940," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 1997.
Current Projects: I have presented several papers on duck-hunting in southwestern Minnesota and have a forthcoming article on it in Minnesota History. I am now working on a paper and possible article on open space issues in St. Paul since 1975. I also have a project researching Minnesota's early game wardens.
Philip Deloria
University of Michigan
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Carroll Smith-Rosenberg Collegiate Professor, Department of History and Program in American Culture
Address: Program in American Culture 3700 Haven Hall 505 State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Fields of Interest: American Cultural History, Environment, Native American, Methodology
Dissertation: "Playing Indian: Appropriation and Otherness in the Performance of American Indian Identity," Yale University (co-directed with Howard Lamar), 1994 (published as Playing Indian, Yale University Press, 1998, winner of a 1999 Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Award from the Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights).
Current Projects: My second book was Indians in Unexpected Places (Kansas, 2004), which explores the shifts in the ideologies and expectations attached to Indian people at the turn of the twentieth century--and the ways Native artists, singers, actors, athletes, and early adopters of technology challenged and lived within those expectations. My current project is curatorial, an examination of the unknown works of Mary Sully, a vernacular American Indian artist active in the 1930s.
Todd Dresser
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Program in the History of Science and Technology
Fields of Interest: environmental history, rural and agricultural history, intellectual history, and twentieth-century history
Dissertation: "Nightmares of Rural Life: Fearing the Future in the Transition from Country Life to the Family Farm, 1890-1960", University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2011
Current Project: I am revising my dissertation for publication, which looks at the development of rural sociology from the Progressive Era until the early years of the Cold War. Surprisingly, it finds that the family farm was not a central object of concern for the discipline until the years leading up to World War II. Rather, early social scientists such as Liberty Hyde Bailey and Charles Galpin worried that "family farm values" such as independence and self-reliance were out dated in an era dominated by trusts, corporations, and other forms of collective enterprise. A second generation breathed new life into these values, however, as they became increasingly eager to distinguish industrial agriculture in the U.S. from that under authoritarian regimes in Europe. As a result, key figures such as Carl Taylor and Carle Zimmerman reversed the stance of a previous generation. They saw the nuclear family farm as a bastion of individualism amid the conformity and creeping totalitarianism of postwar mass society. Between 1890 and 1960, rural sociologists, by and large, went from fearing for the future of individual farms to fearing for the future if the family farm no longer supported individualism.
Ariel Eisenberg
Oklahoma State University, History Department, Visiting Assistant Professor
Address: 101 Murray Hall, Stillwater, OK 74074
Fields of Interest: 20th-century United States history; urban history; women, gender, and sexuality history and theory; disability history and theory
Dissertation: "'Save Our Streets and Shelter Our Homeless': The Homeless Crisis in New York City in the 1980s," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2014
James W. Feldman
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh History and Environmental Studies
Fields of Interest: American and world environmental history, 20th Century U.S., U.S. West
Dissertation: "Rewilding the Islands: Nature, History, and Wilderness at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department (co-directed with Nancy Langston), 2004 (published as A Storied Wilderness: Rewilding the Apostle Islands, University of Washington Press, 2011).
Amy S. Green
Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation, Waltham, Massachusetts
Address: 870 Moody Street, Apt. 1, Waltham, MA 02453
Phone: (413) 320-1481
Dissertation: "Savage Childhood: The Scientific Construction of Girlhood and Boyhood in the Progressive Era," Yale University, 1995.
Spring Greeney
The Baldwin School
Fields of Interest: U.S. environmental and cultural history; history of domesticity; suburbia; history of consumption
Dissertation: "What Cleanliness Smells Like: An Environmental History of Doing the Wash, 1842-1996," University of Wiscons-Madison History Department, 2019.
Emily Greenwald
Historical Research Associates, Inc., Missoula, MT
Address: 125 Bank Street, 5th Floor, Missoula, MT 59802
Phone: (406) 721-1958 (work)
Fields of Interest: Native American History, Environmental History, Federal Indian Policy, Indian Law, Environmental Law
Dissertation: "Allotment in Severalty: Decision-Making During the Dawes Act Era on the Nez Perce, Jicarilla Apache, and Cheyenne River Sioux Reservations," Yale University, 1994 (published as Reconfiguring the Reservation: The Nez Perces, Jicarilla Apaches, and the Dawes Act, Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2002).
Current Projects: I work as a consultant doing historical research and writing, largely related to Iitigation in Native American and environmental issues. Outside of my consulting work, I am interested in the history of photography and national parks tourism.
Rachel Gross
Teaching, Research, and Mentoring Fellow, Davidson Honors College, University of Montana
Address: Davidson Honors College, 32 Campus Drive, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812
Fields of Interest: 19th- and 20th-century U.S.; environmental history; the American West; women and gender; consumer culture
Dissertation: "From Buckskin to Gore-Tex: Consumption as a Path to Mastery in Twentieth-Century American Wilderness Recreation," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2017.
Marcus Hall
University of Zurich, Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
Address: Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (044)635-4807
Fields of Interest: transatlantic environmental history; environmental restoration; parasites and parasitism; malaria; salvage ecology; Europe, Italy, Sardinia, U.S. West
Dissertation: "American Nature, Italian Culture: Restoring the Land in Two Continents," University of Wisconsin-Madison Institute for Environmental Studies, 1999 (co-directed with Nancy Langston), winner of the Rachel Carson Prize of the American Society for Environmental History; published as Earth Repair: A Transatlantic History of Environmental Restoration (U of Virginia Press, 2005), winner of the Antoinette Forester Downing Book Award of the Society of Architectural Historians for the "outstanding publication devoted to historical issues in the preservation field."
Other Books: M. Hall, ed., Restoration and History: The Search for a Usable Environmental Past (Routledge, 2010), and M. Armiero and M. Hall, eds., Nature and History in Modern Italy (Ohio U Press, 2010).
Current Projects: My latest book project is a cultural history of parasites, exploring the role of parasites in human history, and the role of humans as parasites in earthly history.
Blake Harrison
Kent Ridge Orchard, Cornwall, VT
Address: 51 North Pleasant St, Middlebury, VT 05753
Phone: (802) 989-7256
Fields of Interest: cultural and historical geography; environmental history; rural landscapes; New England
Dissertation: "Tourism and the Reworking of Rural Vermont, 1880-1980," University of Wisconsin-Madison Geography Department, 2003 (published as The View from Vermont: Tourism and the Making of an American Rural Landscape, University Press of New England, 2006).
Current Projects: My research has explored the historical and cultural geography of North America, with a particular emphasis on New England, rural landscapes, and tourism. I have written articles on the historical and cultural geographies of New England for journals such as the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Cultural Geographies, Journal of Historical Geography, Journal of Cultural Geography, among others. My first book, The View from Vermont, examines tourism's role in the production of rural landscapes and rural identity. My second book, A Landscape History of New England (MIT Press, 2011) is a co-edited volume with Richard Judd of the University of Maine. After teaching for a few years at a number of institutions, I moved in 2011 with my family to Middlebury, Vermont where I am the farm manager for two orchards in partnership with a hard cider company in Burlington. I consider myself very fortunate to be able to work outdoors in the landscape that I love the best.
Lynne Heasley
History and Environmental Studies, Western Michigan University
Address: 3928 Wood Hall, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Phone: (269)387-2778
Fields of Interest: environmental history; rural, Great Lakes/Upper Midwest, cultural geography, Environmental Studies, Canadian studies, Comparative regional history, GIS applications
Dissertation: "A Thousand Pieces of Paradise: Property, Nature, and Community in the Kickapoo Valley," University of Wisconsin-Madison Forestry Department (co-directed with Ray Guries), 2000; published as A Thousand Pieces of Paradise: Landscape and Property in the Kickapoo Valley, University of Wisconsin Press, 2005.
Current Projects: Currently I am carrying out research for a book on the environmental history of the Great Lakes region. Following that project, I plan to begin a book examining the Peace Corps.
Karl Jacoby
Columbia University History Department and Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race
Address: Department of History, Columbia University, 1180 Amsterdam Avenue, 501 Fayerweather Hall, MC 2527, New York, NY 10027
Phone: (212) 854-3009
Dissertation: "The Recreation of Nature: A Social and Environmental History of American Conservation, 1872-1919," Yale University (co-directed with Howard Lamar), 1997 (winner of Yale's Porter, Beinecke, and Eggleston prizes; published as Crimes Against Nature: Squatters, Poachers, Thieves, and the Hidden History of American Conservation, University of California Press, 2001; co-winner of the George Perkins Marsh Prize of the American Society for Environmental History for the Best Book in Environmental History for 2001; winner of the Littleton-Griswold Prize of the American Historical Association for the best book on the history of American law and society published in 2001)
Current Projects: My next project, tentatively titled Passing the Line: A Trickster's Tale from the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands (under contract with W.W. Norton) explores race and ecology along the U.S.-Mexico border at the turn of the last century.
Susan Lee Johnson
University of Nevada Las Vegas, Harry Reid Endowed Chair for the History of the Intermountain West
Phone: 702-895-2492 (work)
Fields of Interest: North American West, Race and Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality
Dissertation: "'The Gold She Gathered': Difference, Domination, and California's Southern Mines, 1848-1853," Yale University (co-directed with Howard Lamar), 1993 (published as Roaring Camp: The Social World of the California Gold Rush, New York : W. W. Norton & Co., 2000; winner of the Bancroft Prize, 2001).
Current Projects: My current project is “A Traffic in Men: The Old Maid, the Housewife, and Their Great Westerner,” a critical biography that contextualizes the collaboration of two white women, published but amateur historians, who practiced what I conceptualize as a “traffic in men,” in part through their life-long fascination with the famous westerner Christopher “Kit” Carson. It examines relationships between women historians and male historical subjects, and between professional historians and their amateur counterparts. It explores the practice of history in the context of everyday life, the seductions of gender in the context of racialized power, and the spatial dimensions of 20th-century relationships predicated on 19th-century regional pasts.
Doug Kiel
Williams College, Assistant Professor of American Studies and Faculty Affiliate in History
Twitter: @Doug_Kiel
Address: Schapiro Hall, Rm 214, 24 Hopkins Hall Drive, Williamstown, MA 01267
Fields of Interest: American Indian history and nation rebuilding; settler colonialism in the American Midwest; the politics of race; federal Indian law and policy; urban/comparative indigeneities; the American West, frontiers, and borderlands; environmental history
Dissertation: "The Oneida Resurgence: Modern Indian Renewal in the Heart of America," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2012.
Current Projects: I am currently preparing a book manuscript tentatively entitled "Unsettling Territory: Oneida Indian Resurgence and Anti-Sovereignty Backlash," which is about the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin's recovery of reservation land, the expansion of tribal authority on the reservation over the course of the twentieth century, and the origins of an anti-sovereignty movement among non-Indian property owners living within the reservation. I am also writing about the erasure of settler colonial history in the American Midwest and the history of the American Indian blood quantum system.
Adam Mandelman
Portfolio & Website:
Twitter: @amandelman
Fields of Interest: visualization and interactive cartography, digital storytelling, environmental health, technology and the environment
Dissertation: "A Place With No Edge: Organizing Nature in the Mississippi River Delta, 1700-2012," University of Wisconsin-Madison Geography Department, 2016.
Current Projects: book contract with Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books at the University of Washington Press; freelance writing; freelance digital media production
Sarah Marcus
Chicago Historical Society
Address: Chicago Historical Society, 1601 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60614
Phone: 312-799-2045 (work)
Fields of Interest: Urban, midwestern, social, political, environmental, cultural, twentieth-century, and recent U.S. history
Dissertation: "Up From the Prairie: Descriptions of Chicago and the Middle West in Popular Culture, 1865-1983," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2001.
Current Projects: In addition to continuing my role as Project Director of the online Encyclopedia of Chicago (, I am working on a manuscript that explores depictions of Chicago and the Middle West in popular culture. I am also helping to develop tours of Chicago, including an excursion that focuses on the city's role in cinema and television.
Jennifer Adams Martin
University of California, Santa Barbara, History and Environmental Studies
Address: 4312 Bren Hall, UC Santa Barbara 93106-4160
Fields of interest: environmental history, U.S. West, oceans, history of science, animal studies, cultural history, and service learning
Dissertation: "The Slicing Fin: The Transformation of Sharks from Killing Machines to Endangered Species in American Culture,” University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2013.
Sarah Mittlefehldt
Green Mountain College, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies
Address: One Brennan Circle, Poultney, VT 05764
Phone: (802) 287-8384
Fields of Interest: environmental history & policy, environmental justice, cultural geography, political ecology
Dissertation: "The Tangled Roots of the Appalachian Trail: A Social and Environmental History," University of Wisconsin-Madison, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, Forest & Wildlife Ecology (co-directed with Nancy Langston), 2008 (published as Tangled Roots: The Appalachian Trail and the History of U.S. Environmental Politics, University of Washington Press, 2013).
Current Projects: I am currently working on a new project, tentatively titled "Distributed Power: Making the Local Energy Movement," that examines the history of the local energy movement since the 1970s energy crises, and the cultural and political barriers that renewable energy leaders have faced in their efforts to decentralize power systems.
Milford B. Muskett
Dean of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Programs, Kirkwood Community College
Professor of Equity and Social Justice and American Indian Studies, Shoreline Community College
Address: Department of Social Sciences, Kirkwood Community College, 6301 Kirkwood Blvd. SW, Cedar Rapids IA 52406
Phone: (206) 271-8853
Dissertation: "Identity, Hózhó, Change, and Land: Navajo Environmental Perspectives," University of Wisconsin-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, 2003.
Abby Neely
Dartmouth College, Department of Geography
Address: 6017 Fairchild, Hanover, NH 03755
Fields of Interest: political ecology, Africa, health and healing, feminist theory and methods, science and technology studies
Dissertation: "Reconfiguring Pholela: Understanding the Relationships Between Health and Environment from the 1930s to the 1980s," University of Wisconsin-Madison Geography Department, 2011.
Currently I am working on two projects. First, I'm finishing up a book manuscript based on my dissertation (tentatively titled: Witchcraft and Wellness: Agency and Change in Twentieth-Century South Africa) which traces changes in the relationships between health and environment in a rural Zulu-speaking area of South Africa called over the middle of the twentieth century. So doing, the book invokes a number of characters -- rural African women, doctors, nurses, and health educators, izangoma and izinyanga (healers), carrots and beetroot, micro- and macronutrients, abathakathi (people who send witchcraft) and their witchcraft -- to trouble the divide between human and non-human agency. Second, in a series of single and co-authored articles, I have worked to articulate a political ecology of health empirically, methodologically, and theoretically.
Garrett Dash Nelson
Dartmouth College, Society of Fellows and Geography Department
Websites: (personal page, CV) (blog)
Twitter: @en_dash
Address: 6017 Hinman, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH 03755
Phone: (603) 233-6213
Fields of Interest: historical geography, landscape history, planning and landscape architecture, regionalism, critical cartography and digital methods, geohumanities
Dissertation: “A Place Altogether: Planning and the Search for Unit Landscapes, 1816–1956,” University of Wisconsin-Madison Geography Department, 2016.
Current Projects: I continue to explore the relationship between political, community, and ecological “unit landscapes” through both historical-cultural and data-empirical methods. I’m interested in how people and the natural world cohere together into distinct, definite geographic entities, whether these are regional communities or electoral districts. My dissertation is currently under revision as a book project, and I have also begun to study more contemporary territorial-partitioning problems in the context of “megaregions.”
Hannah Nyala West
Writer and lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Address: P.O. Box 35, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277
Phone: (760) 577–8973
Fields of interest: ethnographic and environmental history of the long 18th and early 19th centuries, with particular emphasis on maritime, frontier/borderlands, colonial, and cross-species engagements; U.S. in the world; critical theory and practice of ethnographic and archival methods and narratives; culture, power, writing, violence, and belonging; indigenous peoples and traditional knowledge; public humanities.
Dissertation: "At Sea in the World (or, A Dissertation on the UnNatural Histories of a Ship): The Cruise of U.S. Frigate Essex, 1798–1837," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2012.
Current Projects: Re-envisioning At Sea for publication; completing second book in memoir trilogy that began with Point Last Seen in 1998, an inquiry into tracking and violence in the Kalahari, Namib, and Mojave Deserts; working on a scholarly monograph tentatively titled "No Terrain for the Timid: Theory and Practice of Oral Narratives for Public Lands"; and finishing another novel in the Tally Nowata series.
Eric D. Olmanson
Current Address: Cirkelhusene 2.4.2, 4600 Køge, Denmark
Fields of Interest: cultural and historical geography; environmental history; institutional history
Dissertation: "Romantics, Scientists, Boosters, and the Making of the Chequamegon Bay Region on the South Shore of Lake Superior, 1820-1920's," University of Wisconsin-Madison Geography Department, 2000 (winner of the Great Lakes American Studies & Ohio University Book Award, 2005; published as The Future City on the Inland Sea: A History of Imaginative Geographies of Lake Superior, Ohio University Press, 2007; awarded the John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize by the Association of American Geographers, 2008).
Recent Work: see website
Current Project: Learning Danish and continuing work on a book about the American Medical Center for Burma, 1945-1965.
William Philpott
Associate Professor of History, University of Denver
Address: Department of History, University of Denver, 2000 E. Asbury Ave., Denver, CO 80208
Phone: (303) 871-2956
Fields of interest: environmental history; history of Colorado and the American West; tourism and recreation; transportation; suburbia; consumer culture; history of food; natural disasters; history of architecture and the built landscape; the U.S. since 1945
Dissertation: “Consuming Colorado: Landscapes, Leisure, and the Tourist Way of Life,” University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of History, 2002 (published as Vacationland: Tourism and Environment in the Colorado High Country, University of Washington Press, 2013; winner of the Spur Award for Best Western Contemporary Nonfiction from the Western Writers of America, 2014).
Current projects: 1) My next book project is a sweeping environmental history of the Denver metropolitan area, arguably the most accidental of major U.S. cities, and oddly distant from the others. It's an especially intriguing case of how a city popularly associated with nature and the outdoors took shape from dogged efforts to defy and even lie about natural limits, and from struggles to bend a forbidding and challenging environment toward something more familiar and benign. Among the subjects and stories I’m exploring are the city's lost food landscapes; its schizophrenic relationship to water, coal, oil, and gas; the roots and implications of its outdoorsy mystique; the evolving place of urban and suburban wildlife; the environmental roots of social phenomena like ethnic and racial enclavement, desegregation battles, and mass shootings; the shaping power of transportation infrastructure; and the slow disasters of drought, dirty air, and radioactive waste. 2) Smaller, article-length projects currently in the works include one on rural resistance to the interstate highway program, one on the failed land-use reform movement of the 1970s, and one on the history of real-estate fraud.
Jenny Price
Public Arts & Humanities
Websites: LA Observed:
Thirteen Ways of Seeing Nature in LA:
Play the LA River:
Our Malibu Beaches:
Los Angeles Urban Rangers:
Fields of Interest: environmental writing / history / culture, urban design, public space, Los Angeles, American West, popular culture, literary nonfiction, social practice public art
Dissertation: "Flight Maps: Encounters with Nature in Modern American Culture," Yale University, 1998 (winner of Yale's Eggleston and Porter prizes; published as Flight Maps: Adventures with Nature in Modern America, Basic Books, 1999).
Current Projects: Stop Saving the Planet!--& Other Tips for 21st-Century Environmentalists; Green Me Up, JJ (a not-quite green advice column); Our Malibu Beaches (mobile-phone app); Project 51 arts collective, Play the LA River outreach project; Los Angeles Urban Rangers art collective; workshops, socially engaged participatory public art projects
Louise Pubols
(Deceased, 7/23/2017)
Senior Curator of History, Oakland Museum of California
Address: 1000 Oak St., Oakland, CA 94607
Phone: (510) 318-8438 (office)
Fields of Interest: Mexican California; 19th century; gender; ethnicity; Pacific Rim
Dissertation: "The de la Guerra Family: Patriarchy and the Political Economy of California, 1800-1850," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2000 (published as The Father of All: The de la Guerra Family, Power, and Patriarchy in Mexican California, Berkeley: Huntington Library Press and University of California Press, 2009, winner of the William P. Clements Prize, Clements Center for Southwest Studies, 2009, and Ray Allen Billington Prize, Organization of American Historians, 2010).
Current Projects: I'm currently working on a major exhibition on California Food, set to open in 2017.
Michael J. Rawson
Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate Center History Departments
Address: Department of History, Brooklyn College, 2900 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210
Phone: (718) 951-5000, x1166 (office)
Fields of Interest: Environmental history; urban history; U.S. social and cultural history; the history of the future
Dissertation: “Nature and the City: Boston and the Construction of the American Metropolis,” University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2005; published as Eden on the Charles: The Making of Boston, Harvard University Press, 2010 (one of three finalists for Pulitzer Prize in History in 2010).
Current Projects: The Nature of Tomorrow: Past Visions of the Environmental Future.
Thomas Robertson
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Department of Humanities
Addresss: Department of Humanities, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 100 Institute Road, Worcester, MA, 01609
Phone: Phone: (508)831-5871
Dissertation: "The Population Bomb: Population Growth, Globalization, and American Environmentalism, 1945-1980," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2005 (published as The Malthusian Moment: Global Population Growth and the Birth of American Environmentalism, Rutgers University Press, 2012).
Fields of Interest: U.S. environmental history; American foreign relations history; international development; American debates about population growth; environmental history of Nepal and the Himalayas; South Asia.
Current Project: I am using archival and ethnographic data to examine the environmental history of US development projects in Nepal during the Cold War.
Kevin Rozario
Smith College American Studies Program
Fields of Interest: Popular culture, media studies, cultural theory, environmental studies
Dissertation: "Nature's Evil Dreams: Disaster and America, 1871-1906," Yale University, 1996; published as The Culture of Calamity: Disaster & the Making of Modern America, University of Chicago Press, 2007.
Current Projects: "Making Sense of American Culture" (under contract with Blackwell Press); "Whatever Happened to the Underground?: A History of Subterranean American Art and Politics" (in progress).
Emma Schroeder
Address: 13 Hamlin St., Orono, ME 04473
Phone: (207)907-9141
MA Thesis: "Dead Zones, Weed Nests, and Manure Mishaps: How Gardeners Cultivate Collective Place in Eagle Heights Community Gardens," University of Wisconsin-Madison Geography Department, 2011
Fields of Interest: community gardens, place, land management, agricultural history, food systems, environmental justice
Christopher C. Sellers
State University of New York, Stony Brook Department of History
Address: Department of History, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794
Phone: (631) 632-1412
Fields of Interest: Environmental history, legal history, policy, environmental justice, human rights, public health, toxics
Dissertation: "Manufacturing Disease: Experts and the Ailing American Worker," Yale University, 1991 (published as Hazards on the Job: From Industrial Disease to Environmental Health Science, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997).
Current Projects: I have been writing essays and co-editing volumes on the intersections between environmental history and other history fields (including special issues of Business History Review and Osiris). I'm now completing a project entitled "Unsettling Ground: Sprawl, Nature, and the Making of Environmentalism in PostWWII America," and have begun a new study on the passage of industrial hazards from the developed to the developing world.
Carol Sheriff
The College of William and Mary, Professor of History
Address: The Lyon Gardiner Tyler Department of History, The College of William and Mary, Box 8795, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795
Fields of interest: nineteenth-century social and cultural history
Dissertation: "'The Artificial River': The Erie Canal and the Paradoxes of Progress, 1817-1862," Yale University, 1993 (published as The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradox of Progress, 1817-1862, Hill & Wang, 1996).
Current Projects: "'Not a brother's war': America's Embattled Textbooks," an examination of how state-history textbooks have portrayed contested historical events from the 1860s through the present and the grassroots activism that they have provoked. I also continue to co-author Mary Beth Norton et al., A People and A Nation (in its tenth edition)
Kendra Smith-Howard
Associate Professor of History, University at Albany (SUNY)
Address: 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222
Phone: (518) 442-5375
Fields of Interest: environmental history, consumer culture, agriculture and rural life, public health, twentieth-century United States.
Dissertation: "Perfecting Nature's Food: A Cultural and Environmental History of Milk, 1900-1975," University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007. (published as Pure and Modern Milk: An Environmental History since 1900. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013).
Current Projects: I have begun a new study of the environmental history of the idea and practices of cleaning up in the twentieth-century US. In addition, I am writing about how veterinarians made sense of changes in the agricultural economy, and rethought their professional identities in light of new agricultural technologies in the immediate post-war era.
Marienka Sokol
UW-Madison History Department
Address: 405 Overbrook Rd., Baltimore, MD, 21212.
Fields of Interest: 19th and 20th-century U.S. western and environmental history; urban water use and urban landscapes, particularly in the Southwest.
Dissertation: "Illusions of Abundance: Culture and Urban Water Use in the Arid Southwest," University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007.
Current Projects: My dissertation explores the important but often overlooked role that cultural factors have played in shaping urban water use in the U.S. Southwest. Focusing on various water-intensive landscapes in Tucson, Phoenix and Las Vegas, my thesis aims to shed light on how an array of factors has influenced urban southwesterners' decisions about how to use scarce water resources.
Steven Stoll
Fordham University History Department, Associate Professor of History
Fields of Interest: environmental history, agriculture, political economy
Dissertation: "The Fruits of Natural Advantage: Horticulture and the Industrial Countryside in California," Yale University (co-directed with Howard Lamar), 1994; published as The Fruits of Natural Advantage: Making the Industrial Countryside in California (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1998).
Current Projects: Ramp Hollow: Losing Land and Livelihood in Appalachia.
David Stradling
University of Cincinnati History Department
Dissertation: "Civilized Air: Coal, Smoke, and Environmentalism in America, 1880-1920," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 1996 (published as Smokestacks and Progressives: Environmentalists, Engineers, and Air Quality in America, 1881-1951, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999).
Current Projects: My second book is Making Mountains: New York City and the Catskills (University of Washington Press, 2007), the research for which I used to help write The Nature of New York: An Environmental History of the Empire State (Cornell UP, 2010). I also edited two readers for the University of Washington Press: Conservation in the Progressive Era: Classic Texts (2004) and The Environmental Moment, 1968-1972 (2012). I am now writing Where the River Burns: Cleveland, Carl Stokes, and the Collapse of Urban America, which connects the urban and environmental crises and one administration's attempts to rebuild a much neglected landscape.
Rebecca Summer
Portland State University Honors College
Fields of Interest: urban geography; historical geography; historic preservation; environmental history; gentrification; environmental justice
Dissertation: "The Urban Alley: A Hidden Landscape of Social Change in Washington, D.C.," University of Wisconsin-Madison Geography Department, 2019.
John Suval
Postdoctoral Fellow, Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy, University of Missouri
Address: 411B Jesse Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 65211
Fields of Interest: Antebellum United States; Jacksonian political culture; public lands; American West; borderlands
Dissertation: “Dangerous Ground: Squatters, Statesmen, and the Rupture of American Democracy, 1830-1860,” University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2018.
Gregory Summers
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Office of Academic Affairs
Address: 202 Old Main, UW-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI 54481
Phone: (715) 346-4446 (office)
Fields of Interest: American environmental history, history of technology, consumer society
Dissertation: "A Place for Nature: The Industrial Origins of Environmental Politics," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2001 (published as Consuming Nature: Environmentalism in the Fox River Valley, 1850-1950, University Press of Kansas, 2006).
Current Projects: The Comforts of Nature: A Natural History of the American Home (in progress). While most books about the environment look to the wilderness as a standard against which to measure human society, this book looks instead to our houses. By exploring the history of American domestic life--and by asking how people participated firsthand in industrialization and the adoption of new technologies, urban and suburban development, and growing resource use and pollution--I hope to understand the meaning of nature in contemporary American culture.
Travis Tennessen
Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Email: or
Address: 3893 Mill Creek Rd., Dodgeville, WI 53533
Keywords: historical geography, political ecology, sustainability, conservation, wildlife, hunting, environmental conflict, land use, wilderness, indigenous, subsistence, American West, Alaska, Great Plains
Dissertation: "Trouble in Paradise: Conflicts over Introduced Wildlife on Alaska's Kodiak Archipelago," University of Wisconsin-Madison Geography Department, 2012.
Current Projects: I am currently working on a book based on my dissertation research, tentatively entitled A Becoming Land. It explores the challenges and opportunities of diverse human communities adapting to rapid environmental change. I also direct the Quest program (, an adventure-learning program for UW-Madison students that focuses on social justice and environmental responsibility.
Samuel Truett
University of New Mexico, History Department
Address: Department of History, MSC06 3760, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1181
Phone: (505) 277-6210 (office)
Fields of Interest: Borderlands history, environmental history, U.S. West, Mexico, comparative frontiers and borderlands, indigenous history, transnational history, social and cultural history
Dissertation: "Neighbors by Nature: The Transformation of Land and Life in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, 1854-1910," Yale University (co-directed with Howard Lamar), 1997 (published as Fugitive Landscapes: The Forgotten History of the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, Yale University Press, 2006).
Current Projects: I am working on two book projects. The first, "Empire's Castaway: An Adventurer and the Nineteenth-Century World," is a histoire croisèe (border-crossing history) of the nineteenth century, taking as a point of departure the travels and entanglements of a British sailor who became a peasant in northern Mexico. Tangling his tale with those of his border-crossing cohort, "Empire's Castaway" interweaves U.S., Latin American, British imperial, maritime Asian, and Pacific histories. The second project, "America's Ghosts: Ruins, Lost Worlds, and the Borderlands of Empire," explores the fascination with ruins and lost worlds on borderlands of European and U.S. expansion west across North America and south into Latin America.
Jennifer Turner
Fields of Interest: western, native american, colonial, comparative, race, environment, climate
Dissertation: "From Savagery to Slavery: Upper Louisiana and the American Nation," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2007.
Current Projects: expatriate westerners, animal bodies, photography
Louis Warren
University of California, Davis History Department
Fields of Interest: American West, environmental, Native American, California
Dissertation: "The Hunter's Game: Poachers, Conservationists, and Twentieth-Century America," Yale University (co-directed with Howard Lamar), 1994 (published as The Hunter's Game: Poachers and Conservationists in Twentieth-Century America, Yale University Press, 1997).
Marsha Weisiger
University of Oregon History Department
Address: 1288 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1288
Phone: (541) 346-4824 (office)
Dissertation: "Diné Bikéyah: Environment, Cultural Identity, and Gender in Navajo Country," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2000 (published as Dreaming of Sheep in Navajo Country, University of Washington Press, 2009).
Fields of Interest: Environmental history, Southwest borderlands
Current Projects: "The River Runs Wild," an environmental and intellectual history of "wildness" along western rivers; "Living Rivers," a collaborative project with Wiebke Boeing, David Cooper, William deBuys, John Dole, Matthew Johnson, David Taylor, and Ellen Wohl; "Ecotopia Rising," essays on New Age environmentalism, including reclamation art and the Hoedads tree-planting collective.
Christopher W. Wells
Macalester College Department of Environmental Studies
Address: Department of Environmental Studies, 1600 Grand Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105
Phone: (651) 696-6803 (office)
Fields of Interest: environmental history; history of technology; consumer culture; green architecture; US since 1877
Dissertation: "Car Country: Automobiles, Roads, and the Shaping of the Modern American Landscape, 1890-1929," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department (co-directed with Paul Boyer), 2004 (published as Car Country: An Environmental History, University of Washington Press, 2012).
Current Projects: "Two Cities, One Hinterland: An Environmental History of the Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota " (edited book manuscript in progress, co-edited with George Vrtis); I am also in the early stages of a new book project examining the idea of "building with nature" in American domestic architecture.
Kate Wersan
Savanna Institute, Associate Director
Phone: (717) 712-2131
Fields of Interest: Environmental history, cultural history, material history, the 18th and 19th century
Dissertation: "Between the Calendar and the Clock: An Environmental History of American Timekeeping in the Nineteenth Century," University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department, 2019.
Keith Woodhouse
Northwestern University Department Of History
Address: 1881 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208
Fields of Interest: American environmental history, cultural and intellectual history, political history, the twentieth century
Dissertation: "A Subversive Nature: Radical Environmentalism in the Late-Twentieth-Century United States," University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of History, 2010
(listed alphabetically)
Ryan M. Acton
University of California-Berkeley, History Department
Fields of Interest: intellectual history; critical and social theory; aesthetics; sexuality
Current Projects: history of desire
Ben Alexander
Headwaters Economics, Associate Director
Address: P.O. Box 7059, Bozeman, MT, 59771
Phone: (406) 599-7423
Fields of Interest: rural development, land management
Current Projects: energy development, wildfire, and public lands planning in the West
Jennifer Allen
Director, Institute for Sustainable Solutions, and Associate Professor, Mark O. Hatfield School of Government, Portland State University
Address: Box 751, Mail Code SUST, Portland State University, Portland, OR 97207-0751
Phone: (503) 725-8546
Fields of Interest: sustainable economic development, urban-rural connections, chemicals policy and non-regulatory approaches to toxics management, integration of sustainability into higher education
Current Projects: Directing campus-wide sustainability institute focused on education, research and community engagement, urban sustainability, urban-rural initiatives.
Lauren Ayers
Education Finance Specialist
Edward J. Balleisen
Duke University History Professor, Associate Professor
Address: 210 Carr Building, Dept. of History, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708
Phone: (919)684-2699
Fields of Interest: American Economic Culture/Institutions, American Law and Society
Current Projects: A History of Commercial Fraud in America, 1815 to the present
Josh Barkan
Independent writer of fiction and creative writing, teacher at Harvard, NYU, and Boston University
Addresses: 237 W. 109th St., Apt. 4D, New York, NY 10025 (home)
Phone: (212) 662-2008 (home) or (617) 519-8350 (cell)
Fields of Interest: Contemporary American fiction. Author of Before Hiroshima: The Confession of Murayama Kazuo and Other Stories; and Blind Speed: a novel. Particular interest in the writers John Cheever, Saul Bellow, John Updike, Philip Roth, Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo, George Saunders, and Ishmael Reed.
Daniel Belgrad
University of South Florida Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies
Address: Dept. of Humanities and American Studies, CPR 107, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620
Fields of Interest: 20th-century American culture; 19th-century American culture; environmental history;
U.S. – Mexico transnationalism
Current projects: history of U.S.-Mexico cultural interaction, 1930s through 1950s; Cultural history of the lie-detector machine.
Katherine Benton-Cohen
Associate Professor, Georgetown University History Department
Address: Department of History, Georgetown University, ICC 600, 3700 O Street NW, Washington, DC 20057
Phone: (202) 687-8896
Fields of Interests: U.S. women's history; American West; history of race and immigration; Gilded Age and Progressive Era America
Dissertation: "What about Women in the 'White Man's Camp'?: Gender, Nation, and the Redefinition of Race in Cochise County, Arizona, 1853-1941." (2002) (published in 2009; see below). Dissertation Committee: Professors Linda Gordon (Chair), William Cronon, Susan L. Johnson, Camille Guerin-Gonzales (Chicano/a Studies), and Arnold Alanen (Landscape Architecture).
Current work: My first book, Borderline Americans: Racial Division and Labor War in the Arizona Borderlands (Harvard University Press, April 2009, paperback 2011), explores the changing meanings of race in America through the microcosm of southeastern Arizona's mine and ranch country. More recently I have published articles on immigration history and Arizona border politics. My current research examines the history of the U.S. Congress's Dillingham Commission, which conducted a massive study of immigration in the early twentieth century. Its findings paved the way for the immigration restrictions of 1920s that ended mass migration to the United States until the 1960s.
Peter Boger
UW-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies (Gregg Mitman, advisor)
Address: 88 Science Hall, 550 N. Park St., Madison, WI 53706
Fields of interest: environmental media and film, animal studies, environmental history, ecocriticism, environmental education
Current Project: Expanding off my work as programming director of the Tales from Planet Earth environmental film festival, I am completing a dissertation on the reasons certain wildlife species emerge as media and entertainment "celebrities' and how their ability to be adapted by storytellers to changes in media form and content affect the future of their conservation in the wild.
Sarah Camacho
Denver, Colorado
Fields of Interest: urban environmental history; the American West; historic preservation; environmental conservation; Chicago
Eric D. Carter
Macalester College, Geography Department
Address: 1600 Grand Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55105
Phone: (651) 696-6407
Fields of interest: medical geography, historical geography, political ecology, Latin America, international development, global health, public health history
Dissertation: "Disease, Science, and Regional Development: Malaria Control in Northwest Argentina, 1890-1950," published (after substantial revision) as Enemy in the Blood: Malaria, Environment, and Development in Argentina (University of Alabama Press, 2012).
Current projects: environmental justice organizing in Southern California; promotion of healthy places and communities under neoliberalism; history of social medicine in Latin America
David Chang
University of Minnesota History Department
Phone: (641) 269-4366
Fields of Interest: West, American Empire and colonialism, race, rural, class, American Indian, African American, Oklahoma, Hawaii, Native Hawaiian
Current Projects: The Color of the Land: Race, Nation, and Rural Class Conflict in Eastern Oklahoma, 1860-1940. In The Color of the Land, I examine the interaction of class, nationalism, and the politics of race in America. Using the case of the Muskogee (Creek) Nation and its neighbors in eastern Oklahoma, I demonstrate how rural class conflict shaped the ways that Native Americans, African Americans, and whites defined the political meaning of their racial and national identities.
Catherine A. Corman
Adjunct, American Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston.
Phone: (617) 549-5756
Fields of Interest: American social and cultural history, contemporary issues in social justice.
Current project: "In the Midst," an audio series focusing on the life of Barbara Beach Alter, 91, a left-leaning American Presbyterian missionary who spent 35 years living in India and never converted anyone — on purpose.
Abigail S. Crouse
Attorney, Gray, Plant, Mooty, Mooty & Bennett, P.A.
Address: 500 IDS Center, 80 South Eighth Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402
Phone: (612)632.3044 (work)
Fields of interest: Higher Education Law and Employment Law
Liese Dart
Wildlife and Clean Energy Policy Advisor, The Wilderness Society
Address: 1615 M Street NW, Washington, DC, 20036
Phone: (970) 379-4862
Thesis Title: "The Tennessee Valley Authority, A Study in National Defense 1933-1959", University of Wisconsin-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, 2010.
Fields of interest: energy and environmental history, the rural American South, environmental filmmaking, earthworks/land art.
Todd DeBruin
Analyst at Owens Corning
Fields of Interest: Professional areas of interest include innovation in sustainable building products, technologies, and techniques. Personal interests include community involvement in local history and historic preservation efforts in northwest Ohio.
Lisa Diekmann
Director of Development, The Bridger Ski Foundation
Address: P.O. Box 1243, Bozeman, MT 59771
Phone: (406) 599-4426
Fields of Interest: quiet recreation, youth fitness, land conservation, wilderness protection, national parks, public land management, environment, environmental history, wildlife management, wolves, Native Americans, history of the American West, and women in the American West.
Yale Undergraduate Thesis: "More than Camp Followers: Army Wives on the Western Frontier"
Kurk Dorsey
University of New Hampshire, Professor of History
Address: 20 Academic Way, Durham, NH, 03824
Phone: (603) 862-3022
Fields of Interest: U.S. foreign policy; environmental diplomacy
Current Projects: US international ecotourism in the 20th century; an environmental history of the Cold War
Alexander J. Felson
Assistant Professor, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies & Yale School of Architecture
Email addresses:
Address: 195 Prospect Street, Room 135, New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: (203) 436-5120
Fields of Interest: urban ecology, constructed ecosystems, landscape architecture, designed experiments, green infrastructure, amphibians and suburbanization
Dissertation: "The University of Wisconsin Campus: A Case Study of Human Action and Landscape Change" (University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005)
Current Projects: PlaNYC Reforestation and New York City Afforestation Project; Museum of Modern Art Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream, Rialto, CA; Connecticut Coastal Resilience Plan with the Nature Conservancy; Seaside Village Collective Stormwater Bioswales built in Bridgeport CT.
Pam Foster Felt
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resoruces,
Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund Nonprofit Grant Manager
Address: Wisconsin DNR 101 S. Webster, P.O. Box 7921 Madison, WI 53707-7921
Phone: office - (608) 266-0868 cell - (608) 334-8929
Fields of Interest: land conservation, conservation easements, land trusts
Current projects: Manage a state grant program funding nonprofit land acquisition for permanent conservation.
Edward Frantz
University of Indianapolis History Department
Phone: (317)788-4906
Fields of Interest: African American history, Gilded Age, Progressive Era, 20th century U.S. history, midwestern history
Jean S. Fraser
Chief, San Mateo County Health System
Address: 225 36th Avenue, San Mateo, CE 94403
Phone: (650) 573-2585
Fields of Interest: Getting to universal health care; urban planning, especially transportation planning to encourage biking, public transit use, pedestrian activity; people's relationship to their physical landscape and how it affects them emotionally and physically.
Current Projects: Achieving universal health insurance for children in San Francisco (done); helping progressive Mayor develop universal access model on local level (done); getting San Francisco to live up to its progressive vision by promoting biking, public transit, and pedestrian activity (ongoing); dealing with California budget crisis and how it impacts California counties, particularly health departments.
Kendra Frederick
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemsitry, Yale University
Fields of Interest: amyloid proteins, protein misfolding, kinetics and thermodynamics, macromolecular self-assembly, biophysics
Current Project: Ph.D. dissertation, "Thermodynamic origins of amyloid fiber stability." I am interested in what the driving thermodyanmic forces underlying amyloid fiber formation are, and whether the fiber state is actually the most thermodynamically stable or whether it represents a kinetically trapped state. These biophysical studies of amyloid formation should lead to an insight into the many diseases associated with amyloid proteins, including Alzheimer's disease, Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, and type II diabetes.
Joseph Fronczak
Harvard University, Mahindra Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow
Fields of Interest: US in the world; international/transnational history; intellectual history; political economy; popular politics
Current Projects: "Local People's Global Politics: A Transnational History of the Hands of Ethiopia Movement of 1935," Diplomatic History (forthcoming); book manuscript of my dissertation, "Popular Front Movements: Antifascism and the Makings of a Global Left during the Depression" (Yale 2014).
Todd J. Goddard
Department of English, Utah Valley University, Assistant Professor
Address: Department of English, 800 West University Parkway, Orem, UT 84058
Phone: 801-863-5003
Fields of Interest: 19th-century U.S. literature; environmental literature and ecocriticism; transatlantic studies
Dissertation: "'A Property in the Horizon': Placelessness in Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture," University of Wisconsin-Madison English Department, 2013 (Russ Castronovo, director).
Michael Lewis Goldberg
Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Program/American Studies concentration, University of Washington, Bothell; Graduate Faculty, University of Washington
Address: Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington, Bothell, Box 358530, 18115 Campus Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011-8246
Fields of Interest : gender; popular culture/cultural studies; film studies; American Studies method; literary analysis; meanings of “nature” and their relationship to environmental policy; historical thinking; scholarship of teaching and learning/learning theory/educational technology; assessment practices; and information literacy and research/writingskills.
Dissertation: “An Army of Women: Gender Relations and Politics in Kansas Populism, the Woman Movement, and the Republican Party, 1879-1896" published as An Army of Women: Gender and Politics in Gilded Age Kansas (Johns Hopkins, 1995).
Current Projects: I am currently spending most of my time on the scholarship of teaching and learning, including designing a database-driven teaching and learning system for historical study. My research includes gauging the effectiveness of teaching historical concepts and skills for transferable learning, rethinking educational “efficiency” and “accountability” in “holistic” terms, and probing the disconnect between underlying student desires and fears and their stated motivations. I am also studying problems of disconnected cause-effect analysis in college-level U.S. history textbooks and the lack of impact by the scholarship of textbook effectiveness on textbook writers and the textbook industry.
Michel Hogue
Department of History, Carleton University, Assistant Professor
Email address:
Physical Address: Department of History, 400 Paterson Hall, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6, CANADA
Fields of Interest: American Indian/Indigenous history; North American West; Canadian history; borderlands; environmental history; race & ethnicity
Dissertation: "Between Race and Nation: The Plains Métis and the Canada-United States Border," University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009 (a revised version will be published as Metis and the Medicine Line: Creating a Border and Dividing a People (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press; Regina: University of Regina Press, 2015).
Dan Jones
Founder, Chairman, and CEO, 21st Century Parks, Inc.
Address: 471 West Main Street, Suite 202, Louisville, KY, 40223
Phone: (502) 584-0350
Fields of Interest: sustainable design; urban parks; the future city; natural history of the Ohio River Valley; environmental history; frontier history; urban history.
Dissertation: “The Panorama From Point Sublime: John Wesley Powell’s ‘Religion of Science’ and the Intellectual Origins of His Arid Lands Reforms,” Indiana University.
Current Project: Founder and CEO of 21st Century Parks, Inc, a non-profit corporation dedicated to the preservation of open space and the creation of new parks in Louisville, Kentucky. To date, we have raised over $125,000,000 and preserved nearly 4000 acres of new parkland, creating one of the largest fully funded metropolitan park projects in the country. Our ultimate purpose is the reintegration of nature and sustainable design into urban planning and growth, not as an exercise, but through the shaping of 21st century cities by creating, funding, and developing large parks and open space systems ahead of the growth of the city. The 21st Century will be an urban century, and many rapidly developing cities are not preserving park land ahead of growth, so we believe this project can serve as a model, and have recently created a consulting arm of our organization to help share what we have learned. Finally, we also see urban conservation as a critical issue and are beginning to fund significant work in that area.
Teresa B. Jones
Greenfield Community College, Science Department
Program Coordinator, Renewable Energy / Energy Efficiency
Address: One College Drive, Greenfield, MA 01301
Phone: (413) 775-1462
Fields of Interest: Renewable Energy / Energy Efficiency; green jobs; plant biology; sustainable agriculture
Current Project: Our "Sustainable Practices in Construction" initiative strives to integrate academic education and workforce training to give career entry and lifelong advancement opportunities to our residents and help grow a sustainable economy in our region. We are also working to advance sustainable insitutional practices at GCC to offer leadership in energy use/carbon reduction and keep costs of higher education as low as possible. (GCC is the only higher educational institution in Franklin County, the poorest county in Massachusetts). The next phase in my work will include oversight of design and construction of an 'energy neutral' greenhouse on campus and reinventing the plant science curriculum.
Jane Kamensky
Brandeis University History Department, Associate Professor
Address: Department of History, Mailstop 036, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02454-9110
Phone: (781)736-2275
Fields of Interest: colonial American, early American republic, cultural history
Current Project: The Exchange Artist: A Story of Paper, Bricks, and Ash in Early National American (Viking, forthcoming 2007)
Shira Kelber
Traveling in Asia, starting dual-degree program in law and public administration in 2006
Fields of interest: Creating and maintaining communities and improving social welfare. Non-profit management, public policy, and social entrepreneurship in the areas of international sustainable development and health care policy.
Mary Lammert Khoury
The Nature Conservancy, Michigan Chapter, Aquatic Ecologist and Conservation Planner
Address: 8 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 2301, Chicago, IL 60603
Phone: (312) 580-2172
Fields of Interest: Conservation, Great Lakes, Stream Ecology, Biodiversity, Sustainable Agriculture, Urban Agriculture
Current Projects: At The Nature Conservancy, I focus on freshwater biodiversity conservation of Great Lakes and in particular river connectivity and restoration of habitat for migratory fish. I serve currently as the Board President for the Angelic Organics Learning Center, the educational partner to a large (2000 share) community supported organic farm in NW Illinois. The mission of the Learning Center is to work with people to build local food systems through training farmers, on-farm experiences for children and adults, and urban initiatives in Rockford and Chicago in partnership with communities seeking to increase access to organic produce and knowledge to grow their own.
Rev. Katie Givens Kime
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta GA, Associate Pastor for Adult Ministries
Address: 3003 Howell Mill Rd NW, Atlanta GA 30327
Phone: (404)495-8444
Fields of Interest: Interfaith relations; sustainable environmental practices as theological priorities for religious communities; international relief & development efforts; adult religious education
Christian Krautkramer
Global Compliance Group, GE Healthcare
Twitter: @krautkramer
Address: 9900 W. Innovation Drive, Wauwatosa, WI 53226
Phone: (414) 721-3454
Other Degrees: JD (University of Minnesota Law School); MPH (Boston University)
Fields of Interest: law & bioscience; bioethics; health policy; healthcare compliance; healthcare fraud & abuse; FDA regulatory policy
Nathan Larson
Community GroundWorks, Co-Founder and Education Director
Environmental Design Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Honorary Research Fellow
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Honorary Associate
Address: 3601 Memorial Drive, Suite 4, Madison, WI, 53704
Phone: (608) 240-0409
Fields of Interest: farm and garden-based education; environmental education; community gardens and farms; natural history; teacher education; public health; environmental history; land stewardship; urban natural areas; sustainable agriculture; permaculture; affective connections to land.
Current Projects: I am working on Teaching in Nature's Classroom: Core Principles of Garden-Based Education. I also direct the Wisconsin School Garden Initiative, a project aimed at reducing rates of overweight and obesity in Wisconsin's children, ages 2-18, by increasing the prevalence of youth gardens and garden-based education at schools, after school sites, and childcare centers statewide. This project is supported by the Wisconsin Partnership Program of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.
Jill Lepore
Harvard University, Professor of History & Chair, History and Literature Program
Address: 126 Barker Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Fields of Interest: early American history
Christopher J. Limburg
Fields of Interest: Himalaya, Buddhism, place, space, Nagas, and spiritual ecology
Patty Loew
University of Wisconsin-Madison Dept of Life Sciences Communication, Professor
Fields of Interest:
Native American communication, tribal youth empowerment
Charlie Lord
Managing Principal, RENEW Energy Partners
Twitter: @lordc
Address: 745 Atlantic Avenue, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02111
Phone: 617-571-1159
Fields of Interest: impact investing; energy efficiency; carbon and energy efficiency finance; urban ecology; urban sustainability; environmental justice
Current Projects: I am the Managing Principal at an energy efficiency project development and finance firm with an emphasis on the commercial and industrial sectors, providing investors with a competitive return and measurable and and significant carbon emissions and job creation impacts. I am working on a paper on the taxonomy and management of risk in impact investing.
Nancy Menning
Assistant Professor of World Religions, Ithaca College
Twitter: @NancyMenning
Address: 139 Rothschild Place, 953 Danby Road, Ithaca NY 14850-7002
Phone: (607) 274-5802
Fields of Interest: environmental humanities, religious studies, religion and ecology
Current Projects: My scholarly work focuses on grieving environmental losses, cultivating environmental virtues, and identifying climate change narratives that motivate effective action.
Nicolaas Mink
Sustainable Foods Fellow, Center for Urban Ecology, Butler University
Phone: 815-409-0979
Fields of interest: food history; sustainable food systems
Dissertation: "The Restaurant: Food, Power, and Social Change," University of Wisconsin, 2010.
Current Projects: Although trained as an interdisciplinary historian, I currently spend my days redesigning food systems with an eye towards sustainability. I'm helping to organize stakeholders with the goal of creating an Indianapolis Food Council. I'm also the President and Co-Founder of the Midwest's first Community Supported Fishery, Sitka Salmon Shares. Meanwhile, my first book, Salmon: A Global History will appear in Reaktion's Edible Series this winter. I am at work revising my dissertation into a book tentatively entitled "Fast Food: On the Road to McDonald's," which will ask readers to reconsider the origins of modern American fast food.
Scott Moranda
Department of History, State University of New York at Cortland
Twitter: @dienstmann75
Address: History Department, SUNY-Cortland, P. O. Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045
Phone: (607) 753-2052 (work)
Fields of Interest: europe; germany; leisure; tourism; transatlantic; migration; german-americans; soil conservation; forest conservation
Current Projects: Recently published The People’s Own Landscape: Nature, Tourism, and Dictatorship in East Germany (University of Michigan Press, 2014). The book explores how tourism planners and landscape architects attempted to protect natural environments and rural landscapes in East Germany between 1945 and 1989. The People’s Own Landscape also explores how consumer and tourist desires shaped environmental thought under a regime of consumer scarcity. Currently I am beginning a project on the legacies of German / American encounters between 1848 and 1948 for conservation and environmental change. The project asks how German nationals and German-Americans contrasted American and German “land ethics," especially the management of soil health and forest yields by farmers and other private landowners. I hope for this project to contribute to our understanding of the historical roots of modern land ethics and to reevaluate how national cultural differences (and their discussion) shape material history. I am also now co-coordinating the Environmental Studies Network at the German Studies Association to promote interdisciplinary discussions among Germanists in the humanities and social scientists.
Peter Morris
Department of Earth Science, Santa Monica College
Address: Department of Earth Sciences, Santa Monica College, 1900 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica, CA, 90405
Phone: (310) 434-8654
Fields of Interest: regional geography and environmental history of the North American West, particularly the Canadian-American Great Plains and coastal Southern California; the geographies of frontiers, borderlands, and national/imperial expansion; urban development and environmental history of the Santa Monica Bay region; bicycles and bicycling as a geographic experience; and football as a global family of sports.
Current Projects: I'm working on a global historical geography of beer and the brewing industry.
Kathryn Morse
Middlebury College
Address: Dept. of History, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT, 05753
Phone: 802-443-2436 (office)
Fields of Interest: U.S. environment; U.S. west; environmental humanities; images in history
Current Projects: I am currently working on a range of topics: images in U.S. environmental history; the Farm Security Administration and home food production; the history of American domestic spaces as environments.
Sonya Newenhouse
Madison Environmental Group, Inc., and President, Community Car
Address: 25 N. Pinckney, Madison, WI, 53703
Phone: (608) 280-0800
Interests: Green Development, Transportation, Environmental Action Programs
Lynn Novick
Documentary Filmmaker, Florentine Films
Phone: (212) 560-9770
Current Projects: The Vietnam War, a ten part series directed with Ken Burns, slated for PBS broadcast in 2017; an as yet untitled documentary about an innovative college education program in New York State prisons, the Bard Prison Initiative.
Daniel Offner
Founder & Attorney, O&A, P.C.; Founder & President, Blue Heron Ventures, Inc.
Emails: O&A:; Blue Heron Ventures:
Websites: O&A: http//; Blue Heron Ventures:
Address: 1875 Century Park East, Suite 2060, Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: 310-684-2500
Fields of Interest: Walking on the beach or in the mountains with my wife, daughter and dog. Spending time in Japan with my wife, our daughter and my wife’s family.
Current Projects: Yale B.A., Boston University JD 1989, MBA 1990. Admitted to practice law in MA & CA. Clients include interactive entertainment and technology companies in the start-up and growth spaces.
Portfolio includes: Oculus VR, Inc., Vizua, Inc., Fireforge, Inc., Amplify LLC, and Sidekick, Inc.
Anders Olson
University of Wisconsin-Madison Forest Ecology & Management Department, M.S. Student
Address: 611 Wingra Street Apt.2, Madison, WI 53715
Phone: 608-265-9219 (office)
Fields of Interest: Conservation Biology, Avian Ecology
Current Projects: I am working on a field study of forest bird communities in southern Wisconsin. By resurveying a data set collected on a series of forest plots in the 1950s, I hope to gain information about how avian communities have changed during this period. I then plan to evaluate human land use and forest vegetation changes over this time period as possible causitive influences.
Chris Opsal
University of Minnesota: educational researcher and project coordinator, Institute on Community Integration
Address: 150 Pillsbury Dr SE, Room 6, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: (612) 624-3836
Fields of Interest: history of education, foundations of education, comparative history of education
Jared Orsi
Colorado State University Department of History
Address: Department of History, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1776
Phone: (970) 491-5517
Fields of Interest: Environmental History, U.S. West, North American Borderlands Dissertation: 1999, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Published as Hazardous Metropolis: Flooding and Urban Ecology in Los Angeles (University of California Press, 2004)
Current Project: Ecology and Empire: Zebulon Pike and the Consolidation of the American Nation-State. The narrative of this book follows Pike on his 1806-07 expedition to the Rocky Mountains and Mexico in order to explore the relationship between western ecology and state formation in the early republic. It argues that the young and fragile American nation-state was able to cement the loyalties of many peoples in its often fractious backcountry by positioning itself as the administrative broker of the profitable transfer of energy and resources between the ecosystems of the North American West and the markets of the Atlantic World.
Jan Oscherwitz
Seattle Public Library, Levy Administrator
Address: 1000 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: (206) 684-8510
Fields of Interest: public-private partnerships; impact of disruptive technologies on government services
Current Projects: I manage a voter-approved levy to enhance library services in Seattle.
Cindy Ott
American Studies Department, Saint Louis University
Address: 3800 Lindell Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63108
Phone: (314) 977-3790
Fields of Interest: environmental history, food studies, material culture, American Indian history & cultures, public humanities
Current Projects: Pumpkin: The Curious History of an American Icon (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2012). In the summer 2012, I was a Visiting Researcher at Stanford University's Bill Lane Center of the American West where I began research on my new project "Indians Making History." It explores how American Indian communities over the last sixty years have documented the past and built and perpetuated a sense of Indian heritage and identity. Like Pumpkin, this book will be rooted in history and memory, cultural identity, and the material and natural worlds and use interdisciplinary methodologies. Some of the questions this project raises are: What are the dynamics and mechanisms by which American Indians reconcile their own experiences in a modern globalized world with the persistently romantic expectations of what it means to be Indian? What do Indians nowadays preserve from their own lives to perpetuate Indian heritage for future generations? Are there tensions between personal and family traditions and idealized projections of the tribal collective? I especially explore these questions through photographs, food, landscape preservation, and the ties among them. In addition to researching and teaching, I am serving as the graphics editor for Environmental History and a member of new ASEH Advisory Board for Professional and Public Engagement.
Wayne Pacelle
The Humane Society of the United States, Washington, D.C., President and CEO
Web site:
Address: The Humane Society of the United States, 2100 L St., N.W., Washington, D.C., 20037
Phone: (301) 258-3070 (work)
Current projects: Since June 2004, I have served as president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the world’s largest animal protection organization. My work in animal protection began when I was an undergraduate at Yale in the mid-1980’s, and I have worked in the field ever since. In the broadest sense, The HSUS explores the relationship between people and animals, celebrating the appropriate relationships (e.g., people and their companion animals or family farmers treating their animals with dignity and respect) and spotlighting the breaks in the human-animal bond (e.g., industrial factory farming, staged animal fighting, puppy mills, canned hunts, and much more) and advocating for change. We are the leading animal care provider to animals in our field, but, most importantly, the leading advocacy organization for animals. In the last 10 years, we’ve been involved with passing more than 1,000 state laws to protect animals, and I’ve led about two dozen successful ballot measure campaigns. In two decades, I’ve worked to help pass more than 25 federal statutes for animals, and worked to drive awareness of the big problems facing animals in society. Our international operation, under the banned of Humane Society International, is now active in more than 15 countries. In 2011, Harper Collins published my first book, The Bond: Our Kinship with Animals, Our Call to Defend Them, and it was a New York Times bestseller. I am working on a second book, also with Harper Collins, tentatively titled The Humane Economy.
Max Page
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Architecture
Address: Department of Architecture, University of Massachusetts, 151 Presidents Drive, Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-6940
Fields of Interest: I teach and write about the design, development and politics of cities and architecture, as well as the uses of the past. I am also an activist for public higher education, serving as president of the faculty and librarian union at UMass Amherst (the Massachusetts Society of Professors) and on the Executive Committee of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, the 110,000 member union of public school educators.
Shannon Z. Petersen
Partner at the law firm of Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
Address: 12275 El Camino Real, San Diego, CA 92130
Phone: (858) 449-2978
Fields of Interest: Business Litigation
Dissertation: "The Modern Ark: A History of the Endangered Species Act," University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000 (published as Acting for Endangered Species: The Statutory Ark, University Press of Kansas, 2002).
Current Projects: Working fulltime as a business trial litigator, primarily in complex commercial litigation and consumer class actions cases.
Heather Peto
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Experience Fellow 2007-08; Johns Hopkins MPH degree candidate to graduate 2009; Medical Student, UW-Madison to graduate 2010
Temporary address: 1661 La France St. Atlanta, GA, 30307
Permanent address: N5851 County Road AI Juneau, WI, 53039
Topics of interest: medicine; environmental health; public health; International health
Currently working as a Fellow with the Centers for Disease Control in the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination (DTBE) with current activities in tuberculosis surveillance, outbreak investigations, and epidemiologic research on extrapulmonary TB. The eventual goal is to work as a physician engaged in both clinical work and public health, with special focus on international disease and environmental health.
Anthony Pietsch
Fields of Interest: twentieth-century US history; environmental history; post-industrial environments; environmental regulation; mining
Current Projects: I am currently finishing a master's thesis titled "Mining Uncertainty: Conflict and Consensus in Wisconsin's Quest for Mining Regulation," which explores the State of Wisconsin's attempt to develop mine reclamation law during the 1970s--an era in which federal and state governments across the nation were struggling to establish a new paradigm of environmental law for mining activities. Examining issues like legal and scientific uncertainty, the influence of grassroots environmentalism, and the necessity of compromise in the age of regulation, "Mining Uncertainty" shows that developing new and unfamiliar legal forms was difficult and fraught with failures, but failure led to an innovation in the law-making process that was perhaps more important than the law itself.
Cynthia Poe
Lecturer, Technical Communications Program, University of Wisconsin
Address: Engineering Centers Building Room M1036G, 1550 Engineering Drive, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706
Phone: (608) 265-8606
Fields of Interest: U.S. environmental and legal history; history of U.S. South; information literacy; educational technology; engineering ethics
Dissertation: "Reconstructing the Levees: The Politics of Flooding in Nineteenth-Century Louisiana" (University of Wisconsin, 2006).
Megan Raby
Department of History, University of Texas at Austin
Phone: (512) 475-7925
Fields of Interest: history of science, history of biology, US and Caribbean environmental history, science and empire, US in the world, cultural and intellectual history, 19th century, 20th century
Dissertation: “Making Biology Tropical: American Science in the Caribbean, 1898-1963," University of Wisconsin-Madison History of Science Department, 2012 (Gregg Mitman, Director).
Jeanine Rhemtulla
Assistant Professor, Dept. Geography & McGill School of Environment, McGill University
Address: 805 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, QC, H3A 2K6, Canada
Phone: (514) 577-5437
Fields of Interest: historical ecology, landscape ecology, sustainability science, historical legacies in ecosystems, interactions between people and landscapes through time
Dissertation: Land-use legacies in Wisconsin: Regional vegetation change and carbon dynamics (mid-1800s to 1930s to present)
Current Projects: Landscapes of inequality in the Peruvian Amazon; Legacy effects in ecosystems: understanding the long-term interactions between human land use, landscape structure, and ecosystem services in the St Lawrence watershed.
Sarah Klimenko Riedl
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of Pennsylvania
Fields of Interest: early American political culture from the colonial period through the Civil War; American historical memory; Native American history
Current Project: Ph.D. dissertation (in progress), "The Union of Our Fathers: Historical Memory in American Political Culture during the Secession Crisis of 1860-1861." Americans constantly invoked their past as they debated the fate of the Union in 1860 and 1861. My dissertation seeks first to characterize the historical interpretations put forth by Northerners and Southerners of various political stripes and from various regions, and second to explore how these interpretations shaped American political culture during this period. I have pursued these dual goals by reading a politically and regionally diverse set of the nation's most prominent newspapers.
Christopher C. Roberts
Freelance writer on religion and ethics; adjunct theology instructor; training to be a permanent Roman Catholic deacon
Address: 223 East Evergreen Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19118
Phone: (215) 248-7975
Fields of Interest: theology, ethics, philosophy
Current Projects: teaching Catholic theology in parishes and universities; writing for Catholic magazines and private clients on theology and ethics.
Jackie Roberts
Director of Sustainable Technologies, Environmental Defense Fund
Address: 1875 Connecticut Ave, Suite 600, Washington, DC, 20009
Phone: (202) 572-3311
Fields of Interest: corporate sustainability; clean technologies, especially as they relate to reducing reduce greenhouse gases; green jobs
Current Project:
John C. Ryan
Reporter, KUOW Puget Sound Public Radio
Email: jryan[[at]]
Websites: Twitter:
My stories:
Address: 112 N. Bowdoin Pl., Seattle, WA 98103
Phone: (206) 543-0637
Fields of Interest: investigative journalism, environmental journalism.
Paul Sabin
Yale University, Department of History, Associate Professor
Email: paul.sabin AT
Website: ; ;
Twitter: @paulesabin
Address: Department of History, Yale University, P.O. Box 208324, New Haven, CT, 06520-8324
Telephone: (203) 436-2516
Fields of Interest: Environmental history, energy politics, American West, transnational history, public policy, legal history
Current Project: The Rise (and Fall) of Environmental Law. Author of The Bet: Paul Ehrlich, Julian Simon, and Our Gamble Over Earth's Future (Yale University Press, 2013); Crude Politics: The California Oil Market, 1900-1940 (University of California Press, 2005)
Barbara D. Savage
University of Pennsylvania, Professor of History
Address: History Department, University of Pennsylvania, 208 College Hall, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: (215)898-9630
Fields of Interest: 20th-century African American political, intellectual, and religious history
Current Projects: I've recently published my second book: Your Spirits Walk Beside Us: The Politics of Black Religion (Harvard University Press, 2008).
Jesse Schreier
Brown University - School of Professional Studies, Instructional Designer
Address: Brown University, Box T, 200 Dyer St, Providence RI 02912
Fields of Interest: Online & Blended Learning
Alexander Shashko
University of Michigan History Department
University of Wisconsin Department of Afro-American Studies
Fields of Interest: 20th-century U.S. political and cultural history, African-American history, and Wisconsin history.
Current Project: “Grassroots Liberalism: The Promise and Perils of Political Activism in Postwar Wisconsin”
David Simon
Director, New Mexico State Parks Division
Email: (work); (home)
Address: New Mexico State Parks, P.O. Box 1147, Santa Fe, NM 87504 (work); 1019 Roadrunner Lane N.W., Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107 (home)
Phone: 505-476-3357 (work); 505-298-6507 (home)
Fields of Interest: parks and public lands, conservation, history of conservation
Thompson Smith
Coordinator of Tribal History and Ethnogeography Projects, Salish-Pend d'Oreille Culture Committee, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Indian Reservation
Address (home): 53950 Marsh Creek Road, Charlo, MT 59824
Address (office): Salish-Pend d'Oreille Culture Committee, PO Box 550, St, Ignatius, MT 59865
Phone: (406)644-2547 (home); 406-396-5479 (cell); (406)745-4572 (work); or (406) 675-2700 ext. 5305 (work)
Fields of Interest: environmental history; western US history; history of Indian-white relations; cultural history/ethnohistory; geography.
Current Projects: website,, providing direct access to recorded oral histories included in publications of the Salish-Pend d'Oreille Culture Committee, launched July 2014. Some three dozen historical markers / signage at numerous locations throughout Montana. Aay u Sqelixw: A History of Bull Trout and the Salish and Pend d'Oreille People, essay published as part of interactive DVD Explore the River: Bull Trout, Tribal People, and the Jocko River, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (Lincoln: the University of Nebraska Press, 2011). Content for permanent exhibit, "At Home in This Place," Glacier National Park, Montana, 2010. "A Brief History of Kerr Dam and the Flathead Reservation," in čɫq̓étk͏ʷ ntx̣͏ʷétk͏ʷs / ̓a͏·kinmituk -- The Lower Flathead River, Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana: A Cultural, Historical, and Scientific Resource. Pablo, MT: SKC Tribal History Project, 2008. The Salish People and the Lewis and Clark Expedition, by the Salish-Pend d'Oreille Culture Committee. Lincoln: the University of Nebraska Press, 2005, rev. ed. 2008. 40 historical essays on history of fire in relation to the Salish and Pend d'Oreille people, published as part of interactive DVD, Fire on the Land: Native Peoples and Fire in the Northern Rockies. Lincoln: the University of Nebraska Press, 2007. Now working on historical essays for NASA-funded grant, Climate Change and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes. Forthcoming books through the Salish-Pend d'Oreille Culture Committee include revised edition, A Brief History of the Salish and Pend d'Oreille Tribes (for the Salish-Pend d'Oreille Culture Committee); The Swan Massacre: A Story of the Pend d'Oreille People; Skwskwstulexws — Names Upon the Land: A Geography of the Salish and Pend d'Oreille People; and Voices of the Sqelixw: A Tribal History of the Salish and Pend d'Oreille People.
Laura Spark
Deputy Director, Massachusetts Association for Community Action
Address: 20 Bardwell Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Phone: (617) 522-1319
Fields of Interest: affordable housing; supportive housing; homelessness, sustainable development; community design; environmental health/precautionary principle; nonprofit management.
Current Projects: Management of state-wide homelessness prevention program for foreclosed homeowners; Program development and grant writing for anti-poverty, housing and environmental nonprofits.
Mark Stemen
Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Planning California State University, Chico
Chair, Board of Directors, Butte Environmental Council
Address: 541 Butte Hall, CSU, Chico, Chico, CA 95929-0425
Phone(s): 530.898.5428; 530.345.3531
Fields of Interest: sustainability, Transitions Movement, civic engagement, local food
Dissertation: "Genetic Dreams: Environmental History of the California Cotton Industry, 1904-1952" (University of Iowa, 1999)
Sustainability Champion, California Higher Education (2008)
Current Projects: Annual student projects in the Sustainable Cities Initiative with City of Chico; operating a sustainability madrasah in Northern California.
Peter Thorsheim
Associate Professor of History, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Address: Department of History, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223
Phone: (704) 687-5159
Fields of Interest: modern Britain; environmental activism; war and the environment; science, technology, and medicine.
Dissertation: “Inventing Air Pollution: The Social Construction of Smoke in Britain, 1880-1920” (UW-Madison, 2000). Dissertation committee: Professors James S. Donnelly, Jr. (chair), William Cronon, and Rudy Koshar. Revised and expanded version published as Inventing Pollution: Coal, Smoke, and Culture in Britain since 1800 (Ohio University Press, 2006).
Current projects: My second book, Waste into Weapons: Recycling in Britain during the Second World War, is forthcoming from Cambridge University Press. In it, I argue that recycling played a crucial role in supplying wartime Britain with raw materials, sustaining civilian morale, and convincing the US Congress to support Lend-Lease appropriations. At the same time, however, overzealous salvage campaigns trampled on civil liberties and destroyed countless historical documents and cultural artifacts, which led to a profound ambivalence toward recycling in the postwar period. Other current projects include a co-edited book on the environmental history of London, and a book on the environmental impact of weapons production in Britain.
Libby R. Tronnes
Assistant Professor, Bradley University, Department of History
Email address:
Address: Bradley University, Department of History, 1501 W Bradley Ave Peoria, IL 61625
Phone: (608) 658-5039
Fields of Interest: Native American history, North American West, frontiers and borderlands, colonial America, early republic; Civil War era; gender & women’s history.
Dissertation: “Corn Moon Migrations: Ho-Chunk Belonging, Removal, and Return in the Early Nineteenth-Century Western Great Lakes,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017 (Susan L. Johnson, advisor).
Caley Vickerman
Address: 234 2nd St. #2, Jersey City, NJ 07302
Phone: (917) 715-5976
Fields of Interest: At the intersection of Theater (improvisational, interactive and engaging) and Education (progressive, active, empowering).
Current Projects: Working with a non-profit in NYC, City at Peace (, which brings together diverse groups of teenagers (over 100) to create a full-length musical theater production based on their life-stories. They then organize Community Action Projects, informing the community about issues that are important to them and offering solutions to these issues. I am preparing to start these programs in other communities: Berlin, Germany and Minneapolis, MN.
Ann Vileisis
Address: P.O. Box 1286, Port Orford, OR 97465
Phone: (541) 332-0261
Fields of Interest: cultural history, natural history, food history, environment, writing, rivers, sustainable agriculture, grassroots activism
Books: Kitchen Literacy: How We Lost Knowledge of Where Food Comes From and Why We Need to Get it Back (Island Press, 2007) [finalist for the Connecticut Book Award], explores Americans' changing historic awareness of their foods' provenance including the recent rise of interest in local foods. My first book, Discovering the Unknown Landscape: A History of America's Wetlands (Island Press, 1997) [Winner of the American Historical Association's Herbert Feis Award and the American Society of Environmental History's George Perkins Marsh Prize], chronicles how American cultural attitudes towards swamps and marshes influenced the policies and laws that govern these terrains.
Current Projects: I am currently working on a book about abalone —an imperiled West Coast shellfish with a fascinating environmental history. I am also deeply engaged with local conservation advocacy as president of the Kalmiopsis Audubon Society chapter on the South Coast of Oregon.
Peter Wegner
589 Third Street, Brooklyn NY 11215 (permanent)
2842 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley CA 94705 (thru August 06)
Fields of Interest:
Color, language, systems, the grid, vernacular architecture and type, intellectual property. Painting, sculpture, photography, drawing, poetry.
Current Projects:
My daily practice is metaphor, not history. But isn't history also metaphor? And isn't metaphor -- isn't everything -- historical? I work at the scale of a book or a building, with paint or paper or whatever's at hand. The name of a recent exhibition at The Bohen Foundation in New York gets at the heart of my enterprise, set in caps to underscore the futility of the quest: PETER WEGNER: COMPLETE & FINAL COLOR THEORY SUPERSEDING ALL PREVIOUS THEORIES & PRE-EMPTING ALL FUTURE THEORIES WITH ADD'L THOUGHTS ON THE POETRY OF COMMERCE, THE CRUELTY OF SYSTEMS & THE BANALITY OF THE GRID, ACCOMPANIED BY A FOOTNOTE RE: ARCHITECTURE.
Holly Welles
Princeton University, The Princeton Environmental Institute, Manager of Communications and Outreach
Address: 144 Guyot Hall, Princeton University, Princeton New Jersey, NJ 08544-1003
Phone: (609) 258-6456
Fields of Interest: Climate change science and policy, energy technology and policy, environment and the humanities, environmental justice, and sustainability
Current Projects: The Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) is the center for environmental research, education, and outreach at Princeton University with over 120 associated faculty members. At PEI, I oversee communications regarding research and teaching at Princeton with respect to a wide variety of environmental topics with a particular emphasis on climate and energy, organize programming, manage an environment and energy graduate fellows program, and help facilitate the Carbon Mitigation Initiative.
Noelle Wiggins
Director, Community Capacitation Center, Multnomah County Health Department
Address: 10317 E Burnside St., Portland, Oregon 97216
Phone: 503-988-6250, x26646
Fields of Interest: popular education, community health workers, social determinants of health
Current Projects: using popular education in higher education; role of community health workers as community organizers.
Amrys O. Williams
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, Wesleyan University
Fields of Interest: History of science and technology, environmental history, food and agriculture, rural life, U.S. and the world, digital humanities, public history
Dissertation: "Cultivating Modern America: 4-H Clubs and Rural Development in the Twentieth Century," University of Wisconsin-Madison, Program in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, 2012.
Current Projects: My book project uses 4-H rural youth clubs as a lens for exploring the intertwined histories of development, agriculture, and modernization in the U.S. and abroad from the turn of the twentieth century through the 1970s. I am also thinking about a future project relating to the broader history of the social and natural scientific study of agriculture and rural life, particularly as practiced in the land-grant colleges of the United States.
Florence Williams
Freelance journalist and author
Website:; twitter: @flowill,
Address: Washington, DC
Phone: (303) 319-1092
Fields of Interest: environmental health, medicine, neuroscience, toxins.
Current Projects: I recently published my first book, Breasts: A Natural and Unnatural History (W.W. Norton 2012); now working on nature and the brain; toxins and health. I'm a contributing editor at Outside and I often write for Slate and other pubs. I'm also on the board of my favorite environmental magazine, High Country News.
Jamie Williams
The Wilderness Society, President
Address: 1615 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 429-2604
Fields of Interest: Large landscape conservation, community-based conservation, rivers, environmental history
Current Projects: Protecting America's wildlands
Michael Willrich
Leff Families Professor of History, Brandeis University
Address: History Department, Mailstop 036, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02454-9110
Phone: (781) 736-2292
Fields of Interest: U.S. Social and Legal History, Urban History, Progressive Era, crime and criminal justice, disease and public health
Books: City of Courts: Socializing Justice in Progressive Era Chicago (Cambridge University Press, 2003), winner of AHA's Dunning Prize and the American Society for Legal History's Cromwell Prize. Pox: An American History (Penguin Press, 2011), winner of the OAH's Levine Prize and the American Association for the History of Medicine's Welch Medal.
Current Projects: include research in the history of alien radicals and the law, and the political history of sports
Laura L. Wilson
Personal Blog:
Attorney Website: ;
Address: 35 Elm St., PO Box 87, Lyndonville, VT, 05851
Phone: (802) 676-3300, (802) 626-5200
Practice areas: criminal defense, constitutional law, civil litigation, juvenile defense, municipal law, employment / labor law. Admitted in Vermont State Courts and U.S. District Court, District of Vermont.
Undergraduate Senior Essay directed / supervised by Bill Cronon, Yale College.
Jay Withgott
Textbook author
Address: Portland, OR
Phone: (503) 892-1994
Fields of Interest: environmental science; environmental studies; ornithology; conservation biology; natural history
Books: Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, a college textbook now in its 5th edition; Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, a briefer-version college textbook also in its 5th edition; and Environment: Your World, Your Turn, a high-school textbook in its 1st edition.
Current Projects: After authoring five editions of my textbooks (published by Pearson Education and now co-authored with Matthew Laposata), I am gearing up for the 6th. But I've also added a satisfying local on-the-ground dimension to my work, serving as board member and secretary of the Audubon Society of Portland.
Elizabeth Wyman
Ph.D. Candidate, Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources, University of Vermont
Fields of Interest: American environmental history, New England, sense of place, environmental education, land protection, reading the landscape
Current Project: Ph.D. dissertation (in progress), "The Appalachian Mountain Club and the Progressive Conservation Movement, 1890-1920." My dissertation explores the eastern origins of American environmentalism by examining the Progressive-era conservation initiatives of the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) during the period 1890-1920. Founded in Boston in 1876, AMC is the oldest conservation and recreation organization in the United States. However, AMC's contributions to the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century conservation movement have been largely overlooked by historians who have favored a narrative focused on western public lands debates. My research seeks to understand how and why an organization traditionally viewed as a hiking club became engaged in conservation issues locally, regionally, and nationally during the Progressive era.
Roger Wynne
Assistant City Attorney, Land Use Section City of Seattle
Address: City of Seattle City Attorney’s Office P.O. Box 94769 Seattle, WA 98124-4769
Phone: 206-233-2177 (work)
Current Projects: I advise City officials and staff on land use issues (mostly in the contexts of enacting new development regulations and applying those regulations to proposed land use projects) and defend City land use decisions when they are challenged before administrative tribunals and in court.
Michael J. Yochim
National Park Service, Yosemite National Park
Address: National Park Service, Yosemite National Park, 5083 Foresta Road, El Portal, CA 95318
Phone: (209) 379-1441 (office)
Topics of Interest: environmental history; people and environment; national park history, policy, and management; American West; recreation; environmental politics
Current Projects: As of fall 2012, I am finalizing Protecting Yellowstone: Science and the Politics of National Park Management for publication by the University of New Mexico Press in 2013. This book conducts a controlled comparison of contemporary policy-making controversies in Yellowstone to discern the dominant influences upon such policymaking efforts. I am also the author of Yellowstone and the Snowmobile: Locking Horns over National Park Use (2009, University Press of Kansas), a history of the Yellowstone National Park snowmobile issue and a critique of the positions of the dominant players therein. Both of these books drew upon my dissertation, "Compromising Yellowstone: the Interest Group-National Park Service Relationship in Modern Policy-making," which examined the influence that environmentalists, business advocates, recreation advocates, and scientists have on agency policy. For the National Park Service, I direct two large planning efforts for Yosemite National Park: a wild and scenic river management plan for the Tuolumne River, and a wilderness stewardship plan for the Yosemite Wilderness.
David K. Yoo
Professor and Director, Asian American Studies, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Address: UCLA Asian American Studies Center, 3230 Campbell Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1546
Phone: (310) 825-2974
Topics of Interest: Asian American history; history of the American West; American religious history.
Current Projects: co-editor, Oxford Handbook of Asian American History.
Daniel Zarin
University of Florida School of Forest Resources & Conservation
Professor of Tropical Forestry; Director, Working Forests in the Tropics Program;
Co-Director, Amazon Conservation Leadership Initiative
Address: School of Forest Resources & Conservation, University of Florida, PO Box 110760 (postal mail delivery); Building 107 Mowry Road (non-postal shipping); Gainesville, FL 32611-0760
Phone: (352)846-1247
Topics of Interest: tropical conservation, tropical forest ecology, ecosystem science
Current Projects:
(1) Research in support of forest management objectives in the Brazilian Amazon; (2) Building Leadership Capacity for Forest Conservation in the Andes-Amazon Region; (3) Working Forests in the tropics: An Integrated Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program; (4) Ecosystem analyses of forest regrowth in the Brazilian Amazon; (5) Tropical forests and climate change.
Anna Zeide
Oklahoma State University, Lecturer
Email address:
Fields of Interest: food history; environmental history; environment and health; consumer and business history; public humanities
Dissertation: "In Cans We Trust: Food, Consumers, and Scientific Expertise in Twentieth-Century America," University of Wisconsin-Madison History of Science Department, 2013.
Shelley Zimmer
Environmental Marketing Manager, Hewlett-Packard
Address: Hewlett-Packard, 11311 Chinden Blvd., MS 403, Boise, ID, 83714
Phone: (208) 396-3675
Topics of interest: consumers and environment, environmental marketing, sustainability, environmental history, American West
Current Projects and Interests: consumer market research, environmental business strategy, environmental labeling, online environmental information